Instead of Spiderman you should call Supermentsch! or Batmitzvah and Rabin! Perhaps Popeyes, the man with incredible power in his peyes when he does the brachah on spinach-kuguel.
Shalom, I am from Brazil creator of various jewish characters, looking for someone to illustrate them.
Instead of Spiderman you should call Supermentsch! or Batmitzvah and Rabin! Perhaps Popeyes, the man with incredible power in his peyes when he does the brachah on spinach-kuguel.
Shalom, I am from Brazil creator of various jewish characters, looking for someone to illustrate them.
My best one is Shleperela!
Chodesh tov
Comment by Pessach Rosenbaum — October 11, 2010 @ 11:07 pm